Boxee Plymouth theme

For a while now I have been using at home a media center based on Ubuntu and Boxee, a setup which I find amazing in so many ways. Recently looking to customize things a bit more I have been thinking of changing Ubuntu’s default splash screen with one that show the Boxee logo.

Because Ubuntu has moved to using Plymouth for a while now, the task involved creating a Plymouth theme. Not wanting to write one from scratch I have used the default Ubuntu one (ubuntu-logo theme) and modified the script and the png files.

The result of this you can find in the tarball. To install it you have to:

  • download the tarball:
  • untar boxee.tgx in /lib/plymouth/themes. You should get a folder named “boxee” under “themes”
  • run:  sudo update-alternatives –install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/boxee/boxee.plymouth 100
  • run:  sudo update-alternatives –config default.plymouth and select from the list the number corresponding to the theme named “boxee”
  • run:  sudo update-initramfs -u

That’s it! Reboot and enjoy!